Whether you’ve been burned by your best friend, your mom, your sister, or a stranger…
Sister wounds run deep.
So many women crave deep, joyous, safe and healing relationships with the feminine…
But find that old stories keep playing out
You may feel betrayed. Unmet and unsupported. Not good enough. Unsafe with groups of girls who don’t get you.
You wonder if it’s you that’s the problem.
Or if this story will ever change.
Here’s the thing…
As a woman it is your birthright to have supportive and loving relationships with other women.
You were meant to be held by a community of women, walking hand in hand through life’s ups and downs.
But when you’ve been burned before, your body literally doesn’t know how…
How to be the woman who magnetizes soul sisterhood and sustains them.
How to be the friend you dream of, to the women in your life.
How to be the woman who can meet comparison, judgments, and lack of trust, again and again… for the sake of love.
Here’s the good news:
It is the very women who have struggled with female friendships the most,
Who have the greatest capacity to create powerful spaces for belonging.
Who can become a lighthouse for other women who need your holding.
Because on the other side of your feelings of being “too much” or “not enough”,
Is an innate understanding of what it truly feels like to create belonging in your self, and for others.
When you deepen in your healing with the feminine, you begin to realize that your sister wounds aren’t only relevant to your relationships with women…
Your sister wounds are a direct map home to yourself:
Through loosening the grip of protection in your relationships with other women, you learn to turn the finger back to yourself, only to discover…
The safety you feel in your female friendships directly mirrors
how safe you feel with yourself.
The trust you feel in your female friendships directly mirrors
how much you trust yourself.
The acceptance you feel from other women directly mirrors
how much you accept yourself.
So yes, while sisterhood healing totally serves to create more harmony, depth, and beauty in your relationships with women…
Make no mistake… this is a path that illuminates your heart.
Calling you to step onto a path of deeper integrity, honesty, and clearer seeing of yourself.
A path of self love, self trust, and self acceptance.
Ultimately, this is a path not just for ourselves… it is a path deeply in service to the women who come after us.
For our daughters, younger sisters, and the girls we’ll never meet.
Creating a new legacy of love that will span generations, creating waves and ripples of deep impact.
If this is work you are called to,
Join us for a month-long immersion
As we transform, heal, grow, and celebrate together, hand in hand…
Writing a new story of belonging and trust in our sisterhood, and with ourselves.
“Every woman who heals herself, helps heal all women who came before her, and all those who come after her.”
— Christiane Northrup

You’re in the Right Place if..
You’ve experienced persecution, exclusion, bullying, and rejection in community.
You’re ready for safe, vulnerable relationships with sisters who you trust.
You’ve ever felt “too much” or “not enough” when you’re around other women.
Your body still tenses up when you think about the girl who betrayed or rejected you years ago.
You want to be a warm, welcoming sister who magnetizes high caliber women into your circle.
Your heart longs to feel safe and open to connect with the women you feel drawn to, without pushing them away.
You yearn to break the mold of competition, toxic power, and pedestaling energies.
You’ve struggled with female friendships throughout your life and are ready to break the pattern.
You see yourself hand in hand with other women breaking generational sister wounds of rivalry.
You’re looking to create raw, real, goofy, authentic sisterhood with other women who are amazing in their own right.
Private Telegram Group
2x/Week Teaching Transmissions
Every Monday and Wednesday you’ll receive 15 - 30min audio transmissions based on a different teaching and thematic of sister healing & self acceptance.
Voice Message Coaching Support
(2) 90-120 min Group Calls
Community Calls held on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month.
Mix of live teachings, sister shares & community building
Community Connection & Sisterhood Building
Private telegram group to share your experiences, feelings, and reflections, whilst connecting with and being held by other women on the same path as you.
Journaling Prompts
Ready to Join?
Sister Sister
Payment Plans Available
Hi! I’m Rebecca
I’m a life coach and women’s mentor. I guide women back to their hearts essence, helping them transform their lives through the power of compassion, self acceptance, and belonging.

“Rebecca is the most gentle soul you’ll ever meet. She has a way of connecting with your inner child while speaking to your adult mind. She is a rare light in this world and her greatest gift is her ability to bring you home to yourself.””
Franceska McCaughan
CEO + Best Selling Author